How ICA made strategic use of its 100-year anniversary
Making the most of an anniversary is a tricky thing. You don’t want the historical anecdotes to dominate that year’s corporate communication, while at the same time history should be the evident propeller to all you do today. Striking that balance is hard, or as ICA management put it when plans for the centennial were first drawn four years earlier: “We need an anniversary with meaning!”.
ICA’s answer to this was that it wasn’t as much a company that turned 100 years, as it was an idea. The idea of individual shop owners working together in a jointly-held central organizatio; or the ICA-idea. And this was summed up in the anniversary slogan “ICA 100 year – and forward”. (“ICA 100 år – och framåt”, in Swedish.) This slogan would encompass all activities, both historical and forward-looking through-out the year.
- Project: ICA 100 years
- Year: 2016-2017
- Preview: ica-historien.se